
Final Greetings, Your Twenty

Hello. Selamat pagi. I'm back to write (again) but this one will probably be the last. The previous text has already revealed a lot for you. For the current one, it may be different… 30 th of March Barakallah fii umrik! Selamatt 20 tahunn my dear friend!!! That's 7.305 days, 175.320 hours, 10.519.200 minutes, and 631.152.000 seconds 🥹 May Allah give blessings for your increasing age, Aamiin Semoga bertambahnya usia ini menjadikan dirimu lebih kuat melangkah ke depan to complete all of your goals and I hope Allah make it easier Aamiin. Semoga selalu sehat dan bahagiaaa ya. Aku akan selalu berdoa dan berharap semua yang baik baik datang ke dirimu. May your day be filled with love, joy, and the realization of your fondest dreams. I am so proud to be your friend. A gorgeous, strong, kindhearted one yang selama hidupnya selalu peduli sama orang lain, selalu ingin membantu siapapun yang membutuhkan. Farras terima kasih banyaaaaak karena sudah jadi teman yang baik untuk aku d...

Undercover (2)

Hai, selamat pagi. Tulisan kali ini sepertinya ngga akan panjang. I just wanna say thank you for being my role model. Selama ini. Yash, since the first time I met you, 2017, sampai sekarang 2022 bisa sedekat ini as a bestfriend. I know that it's not eternal, but I hope I can see you happy. I'm confused about how to find out things abt you setelah masuk kuliah nanti. You know that It's so difficult for me to know how you are. Ya karena kamu nggak se-terbuka itu on your social media. I think that you'll find another girl who can make you happy when you meet her. Semoga ada ya. I want to always see you happy even though the person who makes you happy isn't me. Semangat kuliahnyaaa semoga bisa survive ya. Doakan aku juga biar bisa survive. I'm very afraid that I will lose you later terus juga aku malah ngga bisa cheer up kalo lagi di bawah ato lagi capek gitu. Aku pernah bilang kan ya, kalo misalnya kuliah nanti aku kirim whatsapp hanya manggil nama kamu, terus wakt...

Happy Birthday Again

Happy birthday to the guy I admire most, who has the purest heart and the warmest heart. My universe. My love. My everything. Terima kasih sudah menjadi orang baik. I love you so deeply to the moon and back. I think the universe already knows what I feel about you, how many time you have saved me, healed me, made me laugh, and given your warmth to my unstable mental health. You brought me a lot of happiness and light into my life even if the tunnel seemed too long. You are my safe place. I hope you have a great day and have a chance to rest well. Selamat Maba Undip! Selamat bosan menjadi teman satu almamater Aufil yang selalu berisik ini. Maaf sering merepotkan. Sekali lagi saya meminta maaf karena so much my fault to you. I think I made some parts of our friendship worse, maaaf ya. You know what I mean right. Aku tidak mau mengatakannya. I think I made a big mistake for making people guess 'things' they shouldn't think about. Maaf bgt kalo ini membuatmu tidak nyaman. I nev...

It's Your Birthday, Thalita!!!

Happy birthday to one of the most important people in my life, Thalita Brenda Nabila. Sebelumnya, I wanna say something first. Aku menulis ini untuk bilang semua hal yang masih bisa kutulis, yaaa tentunya untuk the most beautiful kind person in this world, Thalita. I hope you know that there are actually so many things I want to say as an expression of my gratitude for having you in my life, but I can't express all these feelings because you are too precious. Hallo, Thalita! Selamat delapan belas tahun, yaaa! May Allah give blessings for your increasing age. I hope you're always in a positive environment that makes you passionate about life. May all your hopes and dreams come true. After graduating from high school, aku harap semua keinginan Thalita bisa tercapai. Apapun ketetapan Allah nantinya, itu pasti yang terbaik. Di mana pun tempatnya, hopefully it will be the best choice and bring you success. Dan semoga, kita tetap bisa saling jaga komunikasi meskipun beda kota. I hope...

How to Create a Clip on Reels

Goal: Nowadays we can post any videos on social medias. One of them is instagram. We can post a short video or clip on reels from instagram. Do you know how to made it? Let me show you how. Material: To make it, we must have an instagram account for posting our video. But we will make the video using VN application. We also have prepare 49 photos. Steps: Here is how we make it: 1. Open your VN application. If you don't have one, you have to download from your playstore or appstore and install it. 2. Click the [+] button. 3. Click the new project icon. 4. Choose 49 photos from your gallery. 5. Add music by clicking the music icon. 6. Set the duration. Ad just to the tone of the song b y trimming the video for the lenght of time you want. 7. Click export. 8. Adjust the resolution as you like. 9. Click the checklist button. 10. Click Ok. 11. Save in your gallery. 12. Open your instagram account. 13. Click the [+] button on the top of instagram homepage. 14. Choose R...

No one can replace him.

Before 2021 ends, I'll tell you about my fav person. He's one of the best gifts I've ever received. He's the reason why i have motivation to do things again. He has helped me through some tough times without him knowing it. He's such a bright light in this world. He showed me something different, something I had never felt before. He's my other half. He made me fall in love without even trying. I feel lucky to have met him. I never thought that he would mean so much to me. He really made me alive. He's the best person i've ever met and he's the most perfect guy i've ever seen. Hi, thank you for making everything so good when i'm around you. Thank you for letting me in your life even a second. I just want you to know that you're so precious to me. I won't say this to you directly, because I know that you can understand that this is you:) 2021 isn't the best year, but at least I feel comfortable around you this year, not everyone c...


  What is a CV? A CV, which stands for curriculum vitae, is a document used when applying for jobs. It allows you to summarise your education, skills and experience enabling you to successfully sell your abilities to potential employers. In the USA and Canada CVs are known as résumés. These documents tend to be more concise and follow no particular formatting rules. What are in a CV? 1.       Contact details Include your full name, home address, mobile number and email address. Unless you're applying for an acting or modelling job you don't need to include your date of birth or a photograph. 2.       Profile A CV profile is a concise statement that highlights your key attributes and helps you stand out from the crowd. Usually placed at the beginning of the CV it picks out a few relevant achievements and skills, while expressing your career aims. A good CV profile focuses on the sector you're applying to, as your cover ...