
Showing posts from April, 2022

Undercover (2)

Hai, selamat pagi. Tulisan kali ini sepertinya ngga akan panjang. I just wanna say thank you for being my role model. Selama ini. Yash, since the first time I met you, 2017, sampai sekarang 2022 bisa sedekat ini as a bestfriend. I know that it's not eternal, but I hope I can see you happy. I'm confused about how to find out things abt you setelah masuk kuliah nanti. You know that It's so difficult for me to know how you are. Ya karena kamu nggak se-terbuka itu on your social media. I think that you'll find another girl who can make you happy when you meet her. Semoga ada ya. I want to always see you happy even though the person who makes you happy isn't me. Semangat kuliahnyaaa semoga bisa survive ya. Doakan aku juga biar bisa survive. I'm very afraid that I will lose you later terus juga aku malah ngga bisa cheer up kalo lagi di bawah ato lagi capek gitu. Aku pernah bilang kan ya, kalo misalnya kuliah nanti aku kirim whatsapp hanya manggil nama kamu, terus wakt...